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Our School

Bloemfontein Primary School is a happy, friendly and hardworking school with strong links with the local community.
At Bloemfontein Primary School the staff and governors strive to create an exciting, caring, safe and secure environment in which children make excellent academic progress whilst having fun! Our traditional school building (opened in 1910) is enhanced through an extensive field which includes woodland paths, a den building area and our very own bird hide. We also have a sizeable yard, an enclosed football area and a school allotment. As a school we are passionate about outdoor learning and children experience a wide range of activities including mud kitchens, forest type activities and even our very own goats!.

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Headteachers' Message

Thank you for visiting our website. I am very proud to be the Head Teacher of Bloemfontein Primary and Nursery School and it is my pleasure to introduce you to our school. Bloemfontein Primary School are an academy and as such are proud to be part of the SLP community.


Governing Body

Our Governors are representatives of the local community, parents, school staff and the Local Education authority. They bring a range of interests knowledge and skills to the school whilst working in a voluntary capacity.


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SLP (Stanley Learning Partnership)

SLP is the first primary Multi-Academy Trust in the Stanley area. Our community of schools currently consists of Greenland Community Primary School, South Stanley Infant & Nursery School, South Stanley Junior School, Annfield Plain Infant School, Annfield Plain Junior School, East Stanley School, Langley Park Primary School, Burnhope Primary School, Collierley Nursery and Primary School and ourselves.


Having successfully worked together for a number of years within the Stanley cluster our formal partnership will develop and enhance the good work that already exists within all schools without compromising our own identities and ethos.

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