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Year 3

Year 3 Curriculum

Below is an overview of what Year 3 children cover in each subject over the year.   



In English, children expand their knowledge of different sentence structures, building on using a wide range of vocabulary in their writing and using basic editing skills to improve what they have written. Children begin to punctuate speech in their narrative writing. Writing is based on a variety of texts, such as: ‘How to ‘Wash a Woolly Mammoth’ by Michelle Robinson in autumn; ‘Hansel and Gretel’ by Anthony Browne in spring and ‘There’s a Pharaoh in our Bath’ by Jeremy Strong in the summer. Children also read a range of non-fiction texts and poetry to develop their skills across different genres.


Reading Records

We encourage children to read to an adult at home. Reading Records are sent home for parents to make a comment on their child’s reading progress each time they read. Children who read at least three times a week at home will be entered into our weekly Reading Raffle Prize Draw. 



In maths, children explore the place value of 3-digit numbers. There is an in-depth study into increasingly larger numbers and children are taught how to compare and order various representations. They move from pictorial to written methods for all 4 calculation types: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Children progress from adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers in Key Stage 1 to solving missing number problems with numbers up to and above 1,000. They start to multiply and divide 2-digit numbers, crossing 100, as well as working out calculations with remainders. In Year 3, they also expand their knowledge of telling the time, calculating with money and adding and subtracting fractions. 



Throughout the year, children investigate a range of topics in science and are introduced to further inspirational scientists. ​In autumn, they focus on comparing and grouping different types of rocks and identifying the skeletal systems of animals, including humans. As the year progresses, children learn about the importance of nutrition before investigating the way in which water is transported within plants. 

In summer, children will learn about forces, observing how magnets attract or repel each other.


Art and Design

In art and design, children explore the works of many different artists with a deeper focus on Georgia O’Keeffe. This supports and enhances their cultural development. Children are taken on a journey through time in autumn as they create their own prehistoric artwork, using natural resources. In spring children undertake a study of flowers, before exploring sculpture and 3D shape in the summer.



In Year 3, children focus on the three main areas of the computing curriculum: ‘Computer Science’, ‘Information Technology’ and ‘Digital Literacy’. Children consolidate their learning on online safety in autumn before creating a stop-frame animation.  They use a range of computing skills across the year, from using technology to create sound to creating and storing documents in files Children enjoy a hands-on approach to learning, exploring a number of devices and computer software.


Design and Technology

Throughout the year, children plan, make and evaluate a range of products. Projects include seasonal cooking, using applique techniques to create an Egyptian collar and constructing a castle. They measure, cut and assemble their designs before evaluating their finished products.



Children use maps, atlases, globes and digital maps to help locate places and make comparisons between different countries. They use eight points of a compass and four-figure grid references. The topics covered this year are ‘What makes the North East special?’ in autumn, ‘What makes us a United Kingdom?’ in spring and ‘What are mountainous regions like?’ in summer.



In history, children use a range of primary and secondary sources when learning about the past.  They are taught about different periods of time and are taught how to make comparisons.  Children also build on their understanding of timelines by sequencing events in chronological order. They explore pre-historic ages including stone age and bronze age. In spring term, they study the Romans, and in summer, they learn about the Ancient Egyptians. 



As children enter Key Stage 2, they learn to play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts.  They continue to explore a range of music genres and artists, including reggae, traditional folk songs and disco. The first music topic this year is based on the song ‘Let your spirit fly’ which is an R&B children’s song. ‘Three Little Birds’ by Bob Marley is also performed in Year 3.



In PE, children take part in gymnastics lessons where they learn to develop more complex sequences, including different jumps and creating symmetrical shapes. They further develop coordination and accuracy in movement, for example through the. experience Bollywood-style dancing. Playing games like basketball and football teach the concept of passing for possession.  In the summer, children develop their athletics skills and play modified games of tennis.



In RE, children engage with enquiry-based questions to explore a range of different faiths, discussing what makes them important and learning about the different festivals they celebrate. Alongside Christianity, children in Year 3, learn about Judaism, Islam and Buddhism. In Year 3, questions include ‘Where do our morals come from?’, ‘What happens if we do wrong?’ and ‘Why is water symbolic?’ 



Children have weekly RSE and PSHE lessons. Through the RSE and PSHE curriculum, the children explore five areas: ‘Family and relationships’, ‘Health and wellbeing’, ‘Safety and the changing body’, ‘Citizenship’ and ‘Economic wellbeing’. 



Over the course of the year, children will cover a number of exciting topics in Spanish. There continues to be a focus on developing core vocabulary and phonetics.  Children encounter a range of activities across each unit which support them to read, write, listen and respond to and speak the language.  Enrichment opportunities are available through after school clubs and International Day of Languages which is celebrated to promote the diverse world in which we live.

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