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Class 6

Year 6 Curriculum

Welcome to Class 6. Below is an overview of what Year 6 children cover in each subject over the year.   


English is taught through a variety of carefully selected texts where children are immersed in new worlds to inspire them to become the next generation of great writers. In autumn term, children read ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell and ‘A Monster Calls’ by Patrick Ness.  ‘Skellig’ by David Almond is studied in spring before William Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ is read in the summer term. Children write for a range of audiences across different genres, producing letters, narratives and news reports to name a few. They plan, draft and carefully edit and revise their work to ensure the finished product is the best.


Reading Records

We encourage children to read to an adult at home. Reading Records are sent home for parents to make a comment on their child’s reading progress each time they read. Children who read at least three times a week at home will be entered into our weekly Reading Raffle Prize Draw. 



In maths, children consolidate their learning and apply this to new concepts with increasing confidence and maturity.  In addition to number, place value and mastering the four operations, children cover ratio, algebra, percentages, decimals and fractions.  They learn how to apply this knowledge to increasingly difficult problems with confidence, whilst challenging themselves to apply strategies learned during their school journey.



Throughout the year, our aim is for children to be inquisitive and they are therefore provided with many opportunities to explore their own ideas through scientific investigations.  In Year 6, children cover ‘Light’, investigating how it travels in straight lines.  They build on their prior knowledge in an ‘Electricity’ topic, experimenting with the number of cells in a circuit.  ‘Evolution and Inheritance’ challenges children to consider how adaptation can lead to evolution.  


Art and Design

The artist children focus on throughout the year is Hannah Hock. She is well known for her political photo montages. In autumn term, children explore how artists convey messages through imagery, symbols and expressive mark-making.  They then explore a selection of paintings through art appreciation activities in spring term before finishing the year with a study of sculpture.  Before leaving Bloemfontein Primary, children have the opportunity to create a personal memory box to reflect on their school journey. Or time at school  



Computing lessons in Year 6 are designed to help children face the challenges of the ever-changing world digital world.  Children create webpages and look at how data is transferred over the internet in the autumn term.  Computer programming is a key focus with children exploring the concept of variables in programming through games in ‘Scratch’. They are introduced to spreadsheets to create their own data set and they finish the year by producing 3D models using a computer.   


Design and Technology

Throughout the year, children plan, make and evaluate a range of products. In Year 6, children make their own mechanical toys, followed by an exciting investigation into the world of cooking.  They plan and prepare a three-course menu in the style of a ‘Come Dine with Me’ celebration.  Finally, children draw on their scientific knowledge to design and develop a steady hand game, using a series circuit, including housing and backboard. 



In geography, children research what life is like in Brazil.  They develop an understanding of the geographical features of Brazil before studying its climate.  There is a focus on investigating the differences of urban and rural Brazil. Fair Trade is the focus in spring term with a study on international trade.  Children consider how to ensure a sustainable future closer to home, by learning about energy production, examining real world examples of sustainability, and considering global perspectives.    



In history, children explore what the ‘census’ tells them about their local area, investigating what life was like for a child in the Victorian era.  Later in the year, they research the impact of World War Two on the people of Britain, using primary sources. Finally, children compare the Maya civilisation to the Anglo-Saxons.  They consider primary evidence to examine theories into how the Maya cities declined. 



In music, children learn about different styles of music and each term use a focused song to explore different musical elements.  These include ‘Happy’ by Pharell Williams and ‘You’ve Got a Friend’ by Carole King. Children learn, appraise and improvise, using musical instruments and using their voices expressively. They then build on their knowledge of musical notation and compose their own melodies.  



In Year 6, rugby is the main sport taught during the invasion games topic where, once again, the importance of rules is highlighted. Street dance is also taught in autumn term where children explore the theme of confrontation and how ‘attitude’ is expressed. Across the year, children develop leadership skills, through leading small groups in a range of activities.  Net games include volleyball, badminton and tennis.  Children work hard to perfect a variety of different strokes and techniques. In athletics, there is a focus on improving control, accuracy and power when throwing.    



In RE, children look at different religions, their beliefs and celebrations, understanding what makes them important. Children continue to study enquiry-based questions to deepen their understanding. In Year 6, questions include ‘Why does religion look different around the world?’, ‘Why is there suffering?’, ‘Why is it better to be there in person?’ and ‘What place does religion have in our world today?’



Children have weekly RSE and PSHE lessons which cover a vast range of topics, in a sensitive and age-appropriate way. Children explore six areas in Year 6: ‘Family and relationships’, ‘Health and wellbeing’, ‘Safety and the changing body’, ‘Citizenship’, ‘Economic wellbeing’ and ‘Identity’.



Over the course of the year, children will cover a number of exciting topics in Spanish. There continues to be a focus on developing core vocabulary and phonetics.  Children encounter a range of activities across each unit which support them to read, write, listen and respond to and speak the language.  Enrichment opportunities are available through after-school clubs and International Day of Languages is also celebrated to promote the diverse world in which we live.

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